SCDRP 9th Annual Meeting
Wilmington, North Carolina
Aloft Wilmington at Coastline Center
501 Nutt Street
Wilmington, NC 28401
The SCDRP 9th Annual Meeting in Wilmington, NC was attended by 130 resilience professionals from across the US Southeast, Caribbean, and beyond. This year's meeting featured 50 inspiring and informative speakers, a poster session highlighting resilience projects across the region, a field trip to Battleship North Carolina to explore resilience initiatives on Eagles Island, and much more. Check back as we post session recordings and photos from the SCDRP 9th Annual Meeting in the coming weeks!

Join us in beautiful downtown Wilmington, North Carolina, for the SCDRP 9th Annual Meeting!
SCDRP Annual Meetings are different. If you’ve attended our Annual Meetings before, you know that SCDRP’s flagship event is not your typical conference. SCDRP Annual Meetings are unique and distinguished convenings marked by the attendance of diverse, multi-sectoral professionals representing the private, academic, non-profit, and public sectors from a broad geographic region stretching across the Southeastern U.S. and Caribbean. Spend two days with us and enjoy close networking with top organizations working to make a difference in the disaster resilience, recovery, and adaptation disciplines.
SCDRP Annual Meetings are intentionally small. During our gatherings, we all share in the entire experience; high-level speakers remain accessible to all, and we have the time and space for collective learning and collaborative development of ideas into future action plans. In order to ensure this, we cap our meetings at 125 attendees. We have sold out for the last 2 years, so be sure to register early!
SCDRP Annual Meetings are relevant by design. Throughout the planning process, we listen to our Partners and create the meeting agenda with them in mind. We incorporate timely issues and pressing topics that are important to our Partners and the organizations and communities that they represent. We cross geographic and political boundaries to bring together the brightest, most innovative leaders in the natural hazard resilience, climate adaptation, and disaster recovery fields in the U.S. Southeast and Caribbean. As we select speakers and topics and design educational field trips and networking events, we incorporate into the planning process a deep commitment to our core values of collaboration, learning, equity, and support. This commitment reveals itself through honest sharing, storytelling, eye-opening insights, laughter, thoughtful questions, cell phones full of new contacts, joyful reunions, high-fives, and hugs!
To learn more about our Annual Meetings, you can view previous years’ meeting reports and recordings on our SCDRP Resources webpage and SCDRP YouTube channel.
I am looking forward to spending time with you in Wilmington!
Thank you for supporting regional resilience,
Heather P. McCarthy, SCDRP Executive Director

Meet the Steering Committee
Brian Byfield
Resilient Communities Program Manager North Carolina Office of Recovery & Resiliency (NCORR)
Raleigh, NC
Amber O’Quinn
Office Manager
Homewatch CareGivers
St. Pete, Florida
Allyssa Zebrowski
SE Regional Preparedness Coordinator, NOAA Disaster Preparedness Program | Genwest North Charleston, SC
Dr. Jeremy Stalker
Associate Professor of Marine Science
Jacksonville University
Jacksonville, FL
Josiah 'Jazz' Watts
Vulnerable Communities Initiative, Inc. and Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor
Sapelo Island, GA
Kait Morano
Resilience Planning Director & Research Scientist II
Coastal Equity and Resilience Hub, Georgia Tech, Savannah, GA
Kasen Wally
Coastal Resiliency Specialist
NC Division of Coastal Management Morehead City, NC
Kim Leonard
Development & Outreach Coordinator
Savannah Riverkeeper
Savannah, GA
Luke Roberson
Community Engagement and Outreach Coordinator
Institute for Water and Health at Georgia Southern University; Savannah, GA
Knellee Bisram
Founder & CEO
AHAM Education Inc.
Miami, FL
Mackenzie Todd
Coastal Resiliency Coordinator
North Carolina Division of Coastal Management
Morehead City, NC
Maggie Steenburg
Assistant Director
Miami-Dade County Department
of Emergency Management
Doral, FL
Mariko Polk
Coastal Processes Specialist
North Carolina Sea Grant
Wilmington, NC
Megan Shaw
Office and Events Manager
Cincinnati, OH
Ren Martin
Eco-Justice Program Coordinator North Carolina Council of Churches
Raleigh, NC
Christine M. Crespo Valentín
Landscape Architect
Tampa, FL
David Johnston
Founder & CEO
Hamilton Advisors, LLC
Charleston, SC
Dr. Meredith Hovis
Assistant Professor
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Wilmington, NC
Donya Frank-Gilchrist,
Research Oceanographer
US Geological Survey,
St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, St. Petersburg, FL
Duane De Freese, Ph.D.
Executive Director
The Indian River Lagoon NEP
Garry Harris
Sustainability Solutions Group and Institute,
Hampton Roads VA/Atlanta GA
Geno Olmi,
Retired, formerly with NOAA for 27 years
Johns Island, SC
Jason Fleming, Ph.D.
Principal Consultant
Seahorse Consulting
Morehead City, NC
Sharon Mesick
NOAA Southern Regional Climate Services
Gulfport Mississippi
Stephanie Kelly
Professional Landscape Architect
Earth Matters Planning & Design, PLLC
Wilmington, NC
Susannah Tuttle
Southeast Climate & Energy Network SCEN
Raleigh, NC
Trinity Johnson
Doctoral Student
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA
Anne Cabrera
Vice President
SWCA Environmental Consultants
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Victoria Olivia
NOAA National Weather Service Wilmington, NC
Vamsi Krishna Sridharan, PhD, M.ASCE
Water Resources Innovation Manager
Tetra Tech
Fairfax, VA
Here's what attendees are saying about SCDRP Annual Meetings....
Thank You to our 2025 SCDRP 9th Annual Meeting Sponsors!
Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Plus Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

