Funding Opportunities
Open Funding Opportunities: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
National Institute of Food and Agriculture: Smith-Lever Special Needs Competitive Grants Program
Within the states and territories, the Cooperative Extension System has repeatedly served as the trusted community organization that has helped to enable families, communities, and businesses to successfully prepare for, respond to and cope with disaster losses and critical incidents. Once a disaster has occurred, the local extension outreach includes: 1) Communicating practical science-based risk information, 2) Developing relevant educational experiences and programs, 3) Working with individuals and communities to open new communication channels, and 4) Mitigating losses and facilitating recovery. NIFA intends to fund Special Needs projects to implement applied scientific programs that serve public needs in preparation for, during and after local or regional emergency situations.
Applications closing February 13, 2025
RequestsCharting Seas of Change - S.C. Sea Grant Consortium
Proposals should address important questions in coastal conservation, resilience, sustainable development, fisheries and aquaculture, and education and workforce development. These are one- to two-year projects. Only faculty from Consortium member institutions are eligible to submit proposals though they may include Co-PIs from other institutions. Partnership is encouraged. Successful projects are generally supported in the range of $30,000 to $80,000 per year (somewhat higher for multi-investigator, multi-institutional proposals). Proposal budgets must provide at least 50% non-federal matching dollars (that is, non-federal match of at least $1 is required for every $2 requested from the Consortium).
Concept letters due Feb 21, 2025
Full Proposals due May 16, 2025
This is a competitive grant program created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to plan for and strengthen surface transportation to be more resilient to natural hazards, including climate change, sea level rise, flooding, extreme weather events, and other natural disasters. For FY 2024-2025, up to $576 million is available for the PROTECT Discretionary Grant Program.
Closing Monday, February 24, 2025
UPLIFT Climate and Environmental Community Action Grant (EPA)
The UPLIFT Grant will support the development of a community of practice that will bring together IHEs, including Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and other Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), CBOs, philanthropy, the private sector, and government entities to learn from one another about the climate and environmental justice challenges that disadvantaged communities face, identify solutions, develop partnerships, and engage with government (at the local, state, and/or federal levels) through a variety of public processes such as advisory councils, rulemaking processes, grant opportunities, to ensure that their vital voices are a part of and help to inform decisions that impact disadvantaged communities.
Additionally, the UPLIFT Grant will support the development of a subaward program that will support community-driven projects in disadvantaged communities that address climate challenges and reduce pollution while strengthening communities through thoughtful and collaborative implementation.
Partnership of Community Based Nonprofit and an Institution of Higher Education are eligible to apply.
Closing February 25, 2025
Florida Sea Grant
FY 2026-27 Biennial Applied Science Competition
Funding is to support two-year applied and end-user-driven projects focused on priorities identified in Florida Sea Grant’s 2024-27 Strategic Plan. Approximately 8-9 two-year projects of up to $200,000 each will be funded. Matching is required of at least 50% from non-federal sources. In addition, new this year, selected proposals will subsequently be awarded $22,000 per year (up to $44,000) to support graduate student assistant involvement in the project as a “Florida Sea Grant Fellow”.
LOI due February 25, 2025 at 3 pm ET
Restoring Tribal Priority Fish Passage through Barrier Removal Grants | NOAA Fisheries
This funding will support U.S. federally recognized tribes, Alaska Native Corporations, and tribal organizations in implementing fish passage work and building tribal organizational capacity. In collaboration with NOAA, selected partners will use these funds to build tribal organizational capacity and implement projects that reopen migratory pathways and restore access to healthy habitat for tribally-important species. Selected projects may also provide community and economic benefits, such as enhancing climate resilience by removing or improving aging infrastructure. NOAA will accept proposals between $300,000 and $6 million for the entire award, with typical funding anticipated to range from $500,000 to $4 million.
Applications closing February 27, 2025
National Park Service Tribal Heritage Grants Program
The grant program focuses on protecting oral histories, traditional cultural practices, and sacred and historic places, as well as enabling the establishment of Tribal historic preservation offices.
Applications due February 27, 2025.
Community Grants - The Miami Foundation
The Miami Foundation seeks to build a Greater Miami where everyone can thrive through our signature Community Grants program. The Sustainable Environment funding category supports the development of a healthier, more resilient community by promoting environmental education and action on the restoration of Biscayne Bay (One Water, One Bay), preservation of the Everglades, protecting our communities from the effects of extreme heat, amplifying opportunities for water preservation, or expanding awareness and action on the climate crisis and its local effects.  See our summary of this funding category here.
The 2025 Community Grants application cycle officially runs from January 1 through February 28, 2025.
2025 AARP Community Challenge: Disaster Preparedness Training MicroGrants
Implement disaster preparedness training programs and resources for residents, especially those age 50-plus, with support from SBP and using the AARP Disaster Resilience Tool Kit. ($2,500 in funding)
Apply by March 5, 2025.
Climate Smart Communities Initiative
The CSCI is now accepting grant applications to help communities accelerate their climate resilience plans and projects.To be eligible for consideration, a community must be located in the United States and facing significant climate-related challenges, based on environmental as well as socioeconomic considerations. For the purposes of the grant program, a community must be represented by a community-based organization and a local, regional or Tribal government entity working collaboratively, and they must complete the application in partnership with an adaptation professional. The initiative will be accepting grant applications into March of 2025, and expects to announce multiple awards in the summer of 2025.
The Gulf Ecosystem Initiative is a $3.5 million partnership between the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) in Santa Barbara, CA and the NOAA RESTORE Science Program to fund synthesis science and postdoctoral research. Working groups of scientists and decision makers will collaborate to solve pressing questions across the Gulf of Mexico. Synthesis science proposals and working groups will cover three main areas of research for decision making in the Gulf of Mexico: fisheries, climate change, and the ecological impacts of management.
Proposals due March 14, 2025
Call for Mitigation Matters Research Award Proposals
To ensure communities have the strong physical and social infrastructure needed to protect their populations, more mitigation research is needed. For this reason, the Natural Hazards Center, with funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), administers the Mitigation Matters Research Award Program. This program provides funding for researchers focused on natural hazard mitigation and other forms of risk reduction in the United States, U.S. territories, or tribal nations.
Available funds will support 5 to 10 awards in the amount of $5,000 to $10,000 each
Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. MDT on Friday, March 14, 2025.
National Sea Grant Law Center 2025 Coastal Resilience Program Competition
The National Sea Grant Law Center (Law Center) is accepting applications from eligible applicants to conduct research on the effectiveness of laws and policies related to a wide range of coastal resilience issues including sea level rise, flooding, amplified storm surge, increased frequency and intensity of storms, land use, or other environmental factors, and whether those policies are achieving desired policy changes. The 2025 Coastal Resilience Program grants have a recommended two-year project period and funding level of $150,000, and the Law Center anticipates selecting up to two projects for funding.
Letters of Intent due March 5, 2025.
Full proposals due May 7, 2025.
Non-Disaster Grants (North Carolina)
FEMA released the 2024 BRIC & FMA NOFO on January 6, 2025. North Carolina’ intake for this round of BRIC ended December 20, 2024 but FMA letters of interest (LOI) will be accepted until March 21, 2025. Infrastructure project letters of interest may still be submitted for DR-4827 (Helene) under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) until October 31, 2025. HMGP is now developing shovel-ready projects so get your LOI submitted as soon as possible.
The Flourishing in Community Grantmaker is offering noncompetitive awards to support capacity-constrained communities and community-based organizations (CBOs) within Region 2. These $75,000 subawards are designed for ease of access, with a streamlined process that does not require participation in the competitive review process. Any person or organization in Region 2: New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and eight federally recognized Indian Nations may submit a nomination, including self-nominations. The application deadline is March 31, 2025. Apply here.
Travel Awards - Field Inclusive, Inc.
One Field Inclusive Travel Awards ($2000) will be awarded to a student (undergraduate, masters, doctoral, or postdoc), to help attend a scientific conference, training, or workshop taking place in the Summer 2025 year. In line with the goals of Field Inclusive, we strongly encourage applications from individuals with marginalized and historically excluded identities.
The application deadline is April 1, 2025 at 11:59 PM ET.
Sea Grant Programs Only - FY2025 Disaster Preparedness for Coastal Communities
The National Sea Grant Office (NSGO) anticipates that approximately $900,000 in FY 2025 federal funds will be available to individual Sea Grant programs in order to support innovative all-hazard preparedness, response, and recovery initiatives for coastal communities.
Closing: April 2, 2025
Transformational Habitat Restoration and Coastal Resilience Grants | NOAA Fisheries
Projects selected through this funding opportunity will have a transformative impact for coastal communities and tribes across the country. They will help sustain our nation’s fisheries, make significant strides in the recovery of threatened and endangered species, and help protect coastal communities and ecosystems from the impacts of climate change. They will support efforts such as reconnecting rivers to their historic floodplains, outplanting corals to rebuild reefs, building living shorelines that protect coasts from erosion and sea level rise, and more. NOAA will accept proposals between $750,000 and $10 million for the entire award, with typical funding anticipated to range from $4 million to $6 million.
We will hold three live webinars with information for potential applicants:
Proposals due April 16, 2025
Fiscal Year 2024 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) (FEMA)
The BRIC program’s guiding principles include supporting communities through capability and capacity-building; encouraging and enabling innovation, including multi-hazard resilience or nature-based solutions including the use of native plants; promoting partnerships; enabling large, systems-based projects; maintaining flexibility; and providing consistency. Through these efforts communities are able to better understand disaster risk and vulnerabilities, conduct community-driven resilience, hazard mitigation planning, and design transformational projects and programs.
BRIC has made $112 million available for the State or Territory Allocation with a $2 million allocation per applicant.
Application deadline: April 18, 2025
Fiscal Year 2024 Flood Mitigation Assistance (FEMA)
The Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant program makes federal funds available to reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings and structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and within NFIP-participating communities. It does so with a recognition of the growing flood hazards associated with climate change, and of the need for flood hazard risk mitigation activities that promote climate adaptation, equity, and resilience with respect to flooding. These include both acute extreme weather events and chronic stressors which have been observed and are expected to increase in intensity and frequency in the future.
FEMA will distribute up to $600 million in Flood Mitigation Assistance funding in FY 2024
Closing April 18, 2025
$20 million in funding is available for projects that will advance the coastal habitat restoration and climate resilience priorities of tribes and underserved communities under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Through this funding, NOAA will help support community-driven habitat restoration and build the capacity of tribes and underserved communities to more fully participate in restoration activities.
Award amounts range from $75,000 to $2 million for the entire award.
Closing May 12, 2025
The Nathan Cummings Foundation (NCF)
NCF seeks to connect with innovative partners and change makers who are driving impact. NCF seeks to learn from, work with, and support organizations that share their commitment to advancing racial, economic, and environmental justice (REEJ). NCF offers two types of funding opportunities: grants and PRIs. Successful grant and PRI proposals will align with NCF’s interconnected goals of REEJ focus areas. NCF anticipates awarding six to eight new grants per REEJ focus area with a focus on initiatives in the US South.
Closing June 30, 2025.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund: Climate + Health Excellent Centers (CHEX) Award
The Burroughs Wellcome Fund announces the Climate + Health Excellence (CHEX) Centers award. This is a new institutional research and training opportunity that will help institutions bridge the gaps between fields that will have important roles to play in understanding the impacts of climate change on human health and diminishing their effects. This grant will support new discovery toward defining the health impacts of climate change, developing potential interventions, translating discovery science into practical application, and outward-facing work that can help public understanding of Climate + Health or strengthen connections between research and communities whose health has been harmed by climate change. New institutional awards of up to $10,000,000.
Proposals due August 7, 2025
Open Call for Support of Science Events and Gatherings - Heising-Simons Foundation
The Heising-Simons Foundation’s Science program solicits proposals for support of meetings, workshops, conferences, summer schools, research collaboration gatherings, and other events related to astronomy, cosmology, fundamental physics, and climate change science, as well as increasing the representation and retention of underrepresented groups within these areas.
We expect to fund up to $800,000 total in grants across two cycles of open calls closing in 2025, with approximately $400,000 being granted each cycle. Each grant will be between $20,000 and $80,000. With this open call, the Science program seeks to further support the scientific fields and communities we fund while also broadening reach in the scientific community. We hope to form new partnerships with scientists, institutions, and communities we have not yet worked with.
Cycle 2 open call closes Aug 15, 2025 at 5 pm ET.
Climate Smart Humanities Organizations Funding Opportunity
As energy costs rise and natural disasters become more frequent, humanities organizations - such as museums, libraries, archives, historic sites, and colleges and universities - face an enormous task: to anticipate operational, physical, and financial impacts of climate-related events on their institutions, while also reducing their own impact on the environment. Climate Smart Humanities Organizations supports these efforts by offering federal matching funds for comprehensive organizational assessments that lead to strategic climate action and adaptation plans. Individual organizations can apply for themselves or lead a consortium of organizations collaborating on strategic climate smart planning. Awards in this program are made with federal matching funds and require fundraising of third-party, non-federal gifts at a ratio of one to one.
Maximum Award Amount: $300,000
Optional draft due August 8, 2025
Deadline: September 17, 2025
Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation Revolving Loan Fund Program
The objective of the Safeguarding Tomorrow RLF program is to capitalize or recapitalize entity-established revolving loan funds that will provide low-interest loans to local governments most in need of financing assistance to complete hazard mitigation projects and activities. The program aims to reduce risks from natural hazards for homeowners, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and communities in order to decrease the loss of life and property, the cost of insurance, and federal disaster payments
Closing September 30, 2025
National Sea Grant Law Center 2024-2027 Program Development Funds
The National Sea Grant Law Center (Law Center) is accepting proposals for small-scale research projects that seek to address timely or pressing legal questions related to ocean, coastal, or Great Lakes law. This funding is intended to support emerging research needs or innovative pilot research projects that may eventually develop into larger, full scale research projects. They are also intended to help a Sea Grant program build legal capacity by generating legal research findings that can be incorporated into extension, education, and communication programming. Requests for Program Development (PD) funds are limited to a maximum request of $10,000 and a one-year project period.
LOIs for one-year projects will be accepted on a rolling basis through August 1, 2026.
Full proposals for one-year projects will be accepted on a rolling basis through October 1, 2026.
Applications accepted on a rolling basis: ​
Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program (EJ TCGM)
The purpose of this program is to make awards to community-based organizations and other eligible partners to support the planning, assessment and development of community-based projects to cultivate healthy environments. Projects funded under this program should directly benefit and empower communities to address local priorities.
Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis. To assist applicants in planning, we encourage you to select a target date to submit your application. All applications received by these dates will be reviewed and considered for the next round of funding decisions. Target Dates to Submit for Funding: January 31, 2025; April 30, 2025; July 31, 2025; October 31, 2025 (Last date for 2-year projects); January 31, 2026; April 30, 2026; July 31, 2026; October 31, 2026 (Last date for 1-year projects); January 31, 2027; April 30, 2027 (Last date for 6-month projects)
The Duke Energy Foundation is focused on strengthening and uplifting communities with grant funding. The foundation accepts grant applications for $20,000 and less throughout the year on a rolling basis for the following focus areas: Vibrant Economies, Climate Resiliency, Opportunity and Inclusion.
National Grants - Ben & Jerry's Foundation
The National Grassroots Organizing Program (NGO) offers two-year unrestricted, general operating support grants of up to $30,000 per year, with an average grant size of $20,000 per year, to small (budgets under $350,000), constituent-led grassroots organizations throughout the United States and its territories. The broad goals of this grant program are to further social and environmental justice, with the primary purpose to support local leadership and grassroots organizing activities.
One SC Fund: Disaster Response
The One SC Fund is now accepting grant applications from nonprofits to support Hurricane Helene relief, recovery, and rebuilding efforts.
The One SC Fund provides grants to nonprofits to fund disaster relief, recovery and rebuilding assistance programs from state-declared emergencies. Organizations may request up to $25,000.When applications are open, they are reviewed on a rolling basis. Declinations are sent via email. All organizations receiving an award have six months to expense grant funds.
Swift Current Funding Opportunity
Fiscal Year 2024 Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Swift Current aims to better align the delivery of FMA flood mitigation funding to the disaster survivor experience. The purpose of FMA Swift Current is to reduce or eliminate the flood risk to NFIP-participating communities and repetitive flood damage to structures and buildings insured by the NFIP following a flood-related disaster event, and to enhance community flood resilience within NFIP-participating communities. It does so by providing funding for mitigation opportunities immediately after a flood disaster event with the aim of delivering mitigation outcomes.
Applications accepted on a rolling basis
Conservation - Richard King Mellon Foundation
Our application portal is open and accepting grant applications for funding through its Conservation program. All applicants should apply using the General Application. Applications may be submitted on a rolling basis.
The Foundation’s Conservation program has four investment areas: habitat conservation; stewardship; activation; and sustainable communities. The Foundation uses innovative financial approaches across all four investment areas, including program-related investments (PRIs) and other mechanisms to maximize the impact of its funding.
Rapid Response to Extreme Weather Events Across Food and Agricultural Systems funding by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Applications must be submitted within 45 days of an extreme weather event and disaster. Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a continuous basis.
Glenn W. Bailey Foundation: Grant funding for projects that support educational opportunities for STEM learning (including college/university programs) and “innovative environmental projects.”
Accepts Letters of Intent on a monthly basis.
The Rural Water Loan Fund (RWLF) is a funding program specifically designed to meet the unique needs of small water and wastewater utilities. The RWLF provides low-cost loans for short-term repair costs, small capital projects, or pre-development costs associated with larger projects. The RWLF was established through a grant from the USDA/RUS, and repaid funds used to replenish the fund and make new loans. Disaster recovery or other emergency loans are available. Loan amounts may not exceed $200,000 or 75% of the total project cost, whichever is less.
Natural Hazards Center
Special Call for Health Outcomes and Climate-Related Disaster Research
The Natural Hazards Center—with support from the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation—is issuing a special call for quick response research focused on health outcomes among groups disproportionately affected by climate-related disasters. Available funds will support awards in the amount of $10,000 to $50,000 each. Proposals for this special call will be accepted on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted.
Natural Hazards Center
Quick Response Research Award Program
North Carolina Sea Grant
We support small projects costing less than $10,000, typically 12 months in length, to allow scientists to gather samples and data when time is of the essence. The minigrant award may allow investigators to gather initial information or pilot test a whole new line of inquiry. Such early findings can subsequently spur major research and outreach efforts funded by other sources.
Pulitzer Center
The Pulitzer Center is now accepting applications for its initiative focused on climate change and its effects on workers and work. We encourage freelance and staff journalists with ambitious enterprise and strong in-depth reporting ideas to apply for Pulitzer Center support to cover the intersection of labor and climate in their communities.
Applications accepted on a rolling basis.
Funding Databases: ​
Build for the Future Funding Navigator
Climate Capital Guidebook | The White House
The Climate Capital Guidebook aggregates current federal funding opportunities for small- and medium-sized companies, both start-ups and established businesses, focusing on clean energy technologies and other climate solutions. The Guidebook also notes which programs are part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Justice40 Initiative. Each program is accompanied by a summary of the eligible entities, eligible projects, average deal or award size, application timeline, contact information, and additional useful information.
Flood Funding Finder from the American Flood Coalition: An interactive website to simplify the complex federal grants system and to help communities identify and prioritize opportunities to fund flood resilience.
Funding Navigator - HUD Exchange​
​Local Infrastructure Hub Funding Pathfinder Tool and Grant Search
Nature-Based Solutions Funding Database
National Wildlife Federation’s interactive database for communities interested in pursuing federal funding and/or technical assistance for nature-based solutions.
Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability (SERPPAS) Funding Opportunities
The EPA’s Water Finance Clearinghouse has two searchable databases: Funds and Resources. The Funds database contains potential funding sources for water infrastructure. The Resources database contains resources such as reports, case studies, and webinars about financing mechanisms and approaches that can help communities access capital to meet their water infrastructure needs. The Clearinghouse also hosts Water Finance learning modules which provide information on different financing sources and funding topics related to water infrastructure investments.
2024 Resilience Project Funding Guide
The Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Resilience Project Funding Guide serves as a one-stop shop for installations and partners to learn about more than 25 federal and non-federal resilience and conservation programs that can support existing or new REPI installation resilience projects.
NC Resilience Exchange Funding Database
Grant Writing Assistance and Funding Resources:
​BIL, IRA, and ARPA Funding Resources for States - The Environmental Council of the States (ECOS)
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (Resources from NOAA) webpage contains information, announcements, and resources related to investments funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).
Climate Resilience and Adaptation Funding Toolbox
The Climate Resilience and Adaptation Funding Toolbox contains resources to help EPA’s funding applicants and recipients make climate-informed investments.
Funding and Financing Coastal Resilience (NOAA Office for Coastal Management)
Grant Proposal Development Resources (NOAA Office for Coastal Management )
Hometown Strong Rural Grants Program
The Hometown Strong Rural Grants team focuses on getting federal dollars into rural communities and providing the capacity, training, and finance planning support these communities need in order to be successful in federal funding. We provide direct, free-of-charge grantwriting support to rural towns, counties, and regions to increase federal funding for projects within North Carolina, offering a comprehensive approach to long-term financial planning through grant strategies that leverage federal, state, and private funds.
Inflation Reduction Act (Resources from NOAA) webpage contains information, announcements, and resources related to investments funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
Resources for Assistance and Technical Training in Region 4 on Environmental Justice