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Helpful Resources

Explore resources on disaster resilience, climate adaptation, and more. Resources are organized by topic, geographic area, and resource type. 

Extreme Heat
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Extreme Heat

Creator: chuchart duangdaw | Credit: Getty Images

Hurricanes & Tropical Storms 

Coastal Emergency Risks Assessment 

CERA is a component of the Advanced Surge Guidance System (ASGS). Based on the Advanced Circulation and Storm Surge model (ADCIRC), coupled with the SWAN Wave model, the ASGS generates real-time storm surge guidance for updating emergency response groups during a tropical or hurricane event.

Eyes on the Storm (SECOORA) 

Eyes on the Storm allows you to access the data from actual stations in the path of named hurricanes.
: Decision support tool of the National Hurricane Program, administered by FEMA, the USACE, and the NOAA National Hurricane Center.

National Hurricane Center  
Historical Hurricane Tracks: Search over 13,000 storm tracks covering seven ocean basins and dating back 180 years using this tool from NOAA’s Digital Coast
​Hurricane Awareness Webinar Series (NOAA Southeast and Caribbean Regional Collaboration Team (SECART)

SECOORA Marine Weather Portal: Up-to-date weather hazards, tropical cyclone forecasts, and observations as hurricanes and tropical storms approach the southeast. The new National Weather Service Hurricane Threats and Impacts map has been added to the MWP which indicates worse case scenarios for planning purposes.

Storm Peak Water Levels (NOAA Tides & Currents)

USGS Coastal Hazards Portal: U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Coastal Change Hazards Portal is an interactive portal that allows you access to forecasts on the probability of dune erosion, overwash, and inundation/flooding. The portal also allows you to view previous storm impacts.

Hurricane Map
Hurricanes and Tropical Storms


Adapting Stormwater Management for Coastal Floods: Communities can use this website to determine how flooding can affect their stormwater systems, and generate reports that can be used to display local information about the current and future flooding impacts, and inform planning efforts.
Coastal Flood Exposure Mapper
Coastal Flood Resilience Project White paper

Flood Damage Avoided by Potential Spending on Property-Level Adaptations (Congressional Budget Office; Working Paper Series)
Foundational Coastal Models Updated (NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information)
Building Designer’s Guide to Calculating Flood Loads (FEMA) 

River Flooding: Protect Your Home with Flood Insurance (National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Riverine Campaign)
Flood Inundation Mapping & Alert Network (FIMAN)
Flooding and Elevation: An Examination of Differential Price Responses to Flood Events 
North Carolina Flood Resiliency Blueprint 
Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Impacts Viewer

USGS Coastal Hazards Portal: U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Coastal Change Hazards Portal is an interactive portal that allows you access to forecasts on the probability of dune erosion, overwash, and inundation/flooding. The portal also allows you to view previous storm impacts.

General Coastal Resilience & Emergency Management

General Coastal Resilience & Emergency Management

2024 Climate Literacy Guide (NOAA)
Climate Adaptation Planning: Guidance for Emergency Managers (FEMA) 
Climate Change Indicators in the United States: Fifth Edition (EPA) 
Climate Crossroads 2024 Summit Video Playlist 
Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation
Climate Smart Communities Initiative
Coastal Resilience Evaluation and Siting Tool 
Disaster Assistance: The Disaster Assistance Improvement Program’s (DAIP) mission is to provide disaster survivors with information, support, services, and a means to access and apply for disaster assistance through joint data-sharing efforts between federal, tribal, state, local, and private sector partners.
Emergency Preparedness / Disaster Management Collection (The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine) 
FEMA Strategic Foresight 2050
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program and Policy Guide (FEMA)
How to foster climate resilience in your community: Resources for climate resilience at the community leadership level (NOAA)
National Resilience Guidance (FEMA)
National VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster)  
Natural Hazards Viewer
NOAA CoastWatch Data Portal
NOAA Regional Climate Services
Quarterly Regional Climate Reports (Southeast Regional Climate Center)
​Resilience Policy Resource Guide and Retrofitting Program Playbook 
​Tribal Climate Change Adaptation Resources

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation:

U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit
​U.S. Sea Level Change
Tropical Beach


NOAA in the Caribbean: Join the Listserv

NOAA Southeast and Caribbean Regional Collaboration Team (SECART): 

Hurricane Awareness Webinar Series

Webinar Playlist 
Caribbean Oral History: Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center and the U.S. Geological Survey

Tools & Applications

Tools & Applications 

C-CAP High-Resolution Land Cover

Coastal Flood Exposure Mapper

Coastal Emergency Risks Assessment 

CERA is a component of the Advanced Surge Guidance System (ASGS). Based on the Advanced Circulation and Storm Surge model (ADCIRC), coupled with the SWAN Wave model, the ASGS generates real-time storm surge guidance for updating emergency response groups during a tropical or hurricane event.

Coastal Resilience Evaluation and Siting Tool (National Fish and Wildlife Foundation)

Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation

Climate Perspectives (CLIMPER) Tool

Disasters Practitioner Resources (NASA Applied Sciences) Disasters Mapping Portal (NASA Applied Sciences)

Drawdown Georgia GHG Emissions Tracker

Economics: National Ocean Watch

Eyes on the Storm (SECOORA) 

Eyes on the Storm allows you to access the data from actual stations in the path of named hurricanes.

Foundational Coastal Models Updated (NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information)

Heat & Health Tracker (Center for Disease Control) 

Historical Hurricane Tracks: Quickly and easily search over 13,000 storm tracks covering seven ocean basins and dating back 180 years. 

HURREVAC: HURREVAC is the decision support tool of the National Hurricane Program, administered by FEMA, the USACE, and the NOAA National Hurricane Center.

Models & Methodology (First Street)

National Drought Monitor

​Natural Hazards Viewer

Needs Assessment Guide: This guide supports assessments of training, education, tools, and data needs, as well as needs for successfully addressing coastal management issues. 

 New Actionable Science Toolkit (BLM, USGS, USFWS, USDA Research Service, and NC CASC)


NOAA CoastWatch Data Portal

NWS HeatRisk: Experimental Heat Tool by NWS and CDC​​​​

Resources for Assistance and Technical Training in Region 4 on Environmental Justice

Sargassum Inundation Risk

Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Impacts Viewer

SECOORA Marine Weather Portal 

​Storm Peak Water Levels (NOAA Tides & Currents)

U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit

USGS Coastal Hazards Portal

​U.S. Sea Level Change

​Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) Tool - Convergence of Climate-Health-Vulnerabilities

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American Planning Association Resilience Roundtable Podcast Series: Hear from planners and allied professionals who make resilience their mission, even in the face of devastating natural hazards.​

Before, During & After (FEMA)

A podcast for emergency managers. Join us for insights into where emergency management is headed, conversation about preparing for the threats of tomorrow and how everyone has a role in keeping communities safe from disaster.

Disaster Tough: Host John Scardena, a former Federal Emergency Response Official with Type 1 response experience, speaks with other experts in the field. They share stories, lessons learned, and tips to help you make informed decisions.​

House on Fire by the The CLEO Institute: A youth-led podcast brought to you by The CLEO Institute to discuss the climate crisis, activism, and hope.

Let's Talk Climate Justice, Y'all! This podcast is dedicated to lifting up and centering the climate and environmental justice movement in the South.​

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